Recipients of the Thermal Conductivity Award, the C. F. Lucks Award, and Fellows of the International Thermal Conductivity Conferences.

Recipients of the Thermal Conductivity Award, the C. F. Lucks Award, and Fellows of the International Thermal Conductivity Conferences.




Thermal Conductivity Award


C.F. Lucks Award

34rd2019Daniela S. Gaal, Efim LitovskySilviu Apostolescu, Marc Assael, Juergen Blumm 
33rd2017John Koenig
Andrzej Brzezinski
John Koenig, Timothy Fisher, Jiyu WuTroy Munro
 32nd2014Gernot Pottlacher

 Gernot Pottlacher

Heng Ban

Jack Henderson

Efim Litovsky

Ernest Wolff

Khaled Raed
 31st2011 Robert Zarr

Marc-Antoine  Thermitus

M. Akoshima

Dr. Boris Wilthan
 30th 2009

 W.J. Parker

D. Salmon

 T. Stovall

A. Brzezinski

 A Sehirlioglu
 29th 2007

 Ralph Dinwiddie

Daniel Flynn

 Hsin Wang

Coultas Pears

 Jamie Higgs
 28th 2005

 Hans Groot

Ulf Hammerschmidt

 Ulf Hammerschmidt

Daniela Stroe Gaal

Daniel R. Flynn

Mathieu Rouleau 
 27th 2003 Silas E. Gustafsson

 John Redgrove

James Goff

 Jie Wu
 26th 2001

 Peter Gaal

Ludovit Kubicar

 Peter Gaal

Ludovit Kubicar

Ralph Dinwiddie

Robert Zarr

R. Keith Kirby



K.E. Wilkes

T. Baba

K.E. Wilkes

T. Baba

W. Parker

R.L. Rudkin

Marc-Antoine Thermitus

D.P.H. Hasselman

W. Wakeham

H. Groot,

S. Gustafsson,

A. McCurdy

S. Graham

R. (Roy) Taylor

D.W. Yarbrough

W. Wakeham

C. Shirtliff

T.W. Tong

F. Righini

J. Wood
22nd1993J. Fricke

J. Fricke

D.P.H. Hasselman

D. Morelli

A. Nagashima

H.J. Sauer, Jr

M. Ramires
21st1989P. Wagner

P. Wagner

C.A. Nieto de Castro

R.O. Pohl

R.K. Williams

D.M. Cahill
20th1987A. Cezairliyan

A. Cezairliyan

H.J. Goldsmid

R.S. Graves

D.W. Yarbrough

L.F. Johnson
19th1985R.U. Acton

T. Ashworth

J.G. Hust

R. (Roy) Taylor



M.L. Minges

G.K. White

M.L. Minges

G.K. White

R.U. Acton

P. Wagner



R. Berman

C.Y. Ho

R. Berman

C.Y. Ho


16th1979J.P. Moore

J.P. Moore

A.C. Anderson

K.D. Maglic



R.E. (Ray) Taylor

Y.S. Touloukian

R.P. Tye

R.E. (Ray) Taylor

Y.S. Touloukian

R.P. Tye


14th1975M.J. Laubitz

M.J. Laubitz

R. Berman

R.P. Tye


13th1973C.F. LucksC.F. Lucks


12th1972P.G. KlemensP.G. Klemens


11th1971D.L. McElroyD.L. McElroy


10th1970R.W. PowellR.W. Powell


Looking forward to seeing you there.